Social Media Management

Busy is the new buzz, unfortunately it’s too true for many of us. When the social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TripAdvisor, and LinkedIn came along we rushed headlong into them and started posting lovely content, engaging with our customers, feeling great. They were designed to be easy to use for everyone, but did we know what benefits they were having on our business? Not really!


Then we got busy! The day job started to interfere with our social management, so we forgot to post today, didn’t post for a week, and sometimes completely forgot about the platform all together. Now our social presence looks somewhat like a scene from a deserted gold rush town in the Wild West with tumble weed rolling down the main street.


[bctt tweet=”Is your #SocialMedia looking like a forgotten allotment? Get your presence SQUARED today!!.” username=”SquarevMedia”]


All the while you have something great to say to your community but it is not getting said and not getting heard.


That’s where we come in, for a modest monthly fee we can ensure your online shop window is spotless, well dressed and constantly refreshed with the messages that will bring people to your door.


Contact us for an appraisal of your existing social media accounts and we will tailor a combination of your platforms to suit your business needs. They say sometimes less is more and the same is true of social media platforms. You don’t need to be on all of them, you only need to be on the ones where your customers are.


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